Title 1 Family Involvement
Title I Parent/Family Engagement Policy 2023-2024
The Title I Parent and Family Engagement section of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Section 1116 requires each Title I school to develop a written parent and guardian engagement policy that describes the means for carrying out the requirements of Section 1116. The school must ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities are sent to the parents of Title 1 children in a format and in a language the parents can understand. The policy was:
Developed jointly with and agreed upon by parents and family members of Title I children;
Written in an understandable format and provided in a language parents can understand;
Distributed to all parents and family members of Title I children;
Made available to the local community; and
Updated annually to meet the changing needs of parents, family members, and the school.
To view the NHSD Board of School Directors Policy 918: Title 1 Parental Involvement, please click here.
Other Resources for Families
State Academic Standards from the Pennsylvania Department of Education
Parent and Family Engagement Information from the Pennsylvania Department of Education
Family Resources from the State Parent Advisory Council