Smart Snacks Brochure and Calculator

All of our ala-carte snacks and beverages sold are compliant with the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) which requires standards for all foods sold in school to help promote healthier eating.   The food service department only sells Smart Snacks which are made of whole grains, has a first ingredient of fruit, vegetable, dairy product or protein, or made up of a combination food that contains at least a ¼ cup of fruit and/or vegetable, not more than 200 calories per serving, total fat is equal or less than 35%, under 200 mg sodium and no trans fats.

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Find out if product(s) are compliant with Smart Snacks in School guidelines with this interactive tool provided by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation:

A Detailed Guide to Smart Snacks in School 

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.