Gifted Education
Program Vision
The New Hope-Solebury Gifted Education Program will...
meet students' individual needs
enrich student interest and abilities
foster communication between educators, parents, and students
provide a curriculum with appropriate rigor, challenge, and choice
offer opportunities for academic interaction with like ability peers as well as the entire school community
encourage critical and creative exploration of ideas
approach instruction through inter-disciplinary and thematic study
enrich and accelerate when appropriate
recognize the social and emotional characteristics of the learner
Screening Guidelines
Mental giftedness is defined as an Intelligence Quotient of 130 or higher or when multiple criteria as set forth in the Pennsylvania Code indicate gifted ability. A student cannot be identified as gifted using only an IQ score. The student must also have a need for enrichment that cannot be fulfilled in regular education. Multiple Criteria is used to aid in determining eligibility for the Humanities Program.
Multiple Criteria is defined by 22 Pa. Code 16.21 (d) as:
A year or more above grade achievement level for the normal age group in one or more subjects as measured by a nationally normed and validated achievement test.
An observed or measured rate of acquisition/retention of new academic content or skills.
Demonstrated achievement, performance, or expertise in one or more academic areas as evidenced by excellence of products, portfolio, or research, as well as criterion-reference team judgment.
Early and measured use of high level thinking skills, academic creativity, leadership skills, intense academic interest areas, communication skills, foreign language aptitude, or technology expertise.
Documented, observed, validated or assessed evidence that intervening factors are masking gifted ability.
Intervening factors may mask gifted ability. Such factors are considered during the evaluation process.
Parent requests are required to recommend a child for gifted screening. Chapter 16 of the PA Code permits parents to request one evaluation per year.
Screening Results
Results of the Gifted Multidisciplinary Evaluation (GMDE) will be reviewed by the Gifted Multidisciplinary Team (GMDT). After reviewing the data, the GMDT will determine if the student is appropriate for placement in the program. A Gifted Written Report (GWR) is prepared. This report summarizes the findings from the evaluation.
A Gifted Individual Educational Program (GIEP) team will convene to review the recommendations and draft a GIEP for the student if he/she is found to be gifted and in need of enrichment.
In the event of a re-evaluation as requested by the parent or the LEA (Local Education Agency), and if the student is found to be no longer eligible for the mentally gifted program, the student will be recommended for return to regular education.
Gifted Programs Schedule
Please note: All decisions regarding programming are made on an individual student basis
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Elementary School Gifted Support
Students who are identified as intellectually gifted in the Upper Elementary School are challenged during the reading block. Students write critically and creatively, are involved in the writing process, are exposed to novel ideas and STEM related concepts, and extend their study of literature. Students receive math enrichment based upon student need and are asked to extend the math curriculum and to think outside of the box. 4th and 5th grade students receive push in science support and enrichment in their regular science classes, which is then extended through their pull out gifted support classes
Middle School Gifted Support
Enrichment curricular rotations are provided for identified students who demonstrate an enrichment and/or acceleration need in English, Math, Social Studies, and/or Science. Rotations use project based learning, rigor, and challenge to engage students in advanced-level critical thinking and problem solving.
Gifted Resource Teacher works with content area teachers to assist with the implementation of a differentiated curriculum for advanced-level learners
High School Gifted Support
The gifted education program at New Hope-Solebury High School is based on a goal oriented and student centered curriculum. Students will develop their own goals that will be unique to their own career and/or academic interests. I will work with each student to develop a plan to meet individual goals and provide support and enrichment activities that will benefit him/her in achieving goals throughout the school year.
Independent Study - Independent studies are determined by the individual student based on his/her interests. Students will be connected with teacher mentor in area of curricular expertise.
Extension/Compacting - Students are sharing a class based on a particular interest. Based on the interest level and academic demands of the class, the student can develop an extension project for a specific topic in their preferred course.
52 Small Changes for the Mind - Students will be required to complete week long “Challenges” over the course of the school year. They will follow along with the lesson and objectives provided in the Canvas module for each week. Students must provide the assigned documentation to be credited for the “challenge”
TEDucation - Students will come in for a TED Talk about a relevant and thought provoking topic. Students will need to take notes during the TED Talk so that they can effectively engage in discussion. Students in attendance will be in control of a Socratic Circle styled discussion to review information covered in the TED Talk, as well as ask questions, make connections, and perhaps establish new realms of interest.
Expectations: Be honest with yourself about the workload that you have and what you can handle. Be the best version of yourself and be open and ready to try new things and grow! In order to stay in the gifted program you must complete or attend at least 10 of the gifted offerings throughout the school year. This can be a combination of online and in person meetings. If you are doing an independent study, we will work together to adapt your credited material accordingly.
Gifted Education Resources
Chapter 16 Procedural Safeguards Notice: View this notice of parental rights for gifted students as found in Chapter 16 of the State Board of Education's Regulations (22 Pa Code). These regulations require school districts to provide gifted education services to students who have been identified as gifted and in need of specially designed instruction.
Guide to Gifted Services: This guide was developed by the Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education (PAGE) with support from the Pennsylvania State Education Association and the Pennsylvania PTA to provide an overview of the Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP) process.
NHSSD Gifted Education Overview (Elementary Level)
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