Welcome to Counseling
Keri Williams
Lower Elementary School Counselor
New-Hope Solebury School District endeavors to meet students where they are and guide them to the acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and habits they will need to function in a productive and fulfilling manner in their increasingly complex world.
The Counseling Program contributes to the implementation of this mission by addressing the academic, career, and personal/social development of each student through a comprehensive and developmental program of services.
The Counselor works in collaboration with administration, faculty, parents, and the community to build a scaffolding of knowledge and skills that will provide high academic performance, effective decision making, and positive self-esteem that will continue throughout the life span.
To achieve these goals, the counselor:
Works with students individually, in small groups, and in the classroom
Is a member of the Comprehensive Support Team
Orients new families to our school and community
Supports students with behavior concerns
Develops and monitors 504 Service Agreements
Participates in the identification process for gifted students
Facilitates the transition of students from 2nd to 3rd grade
Is an IEP team member for learning support and gifted students
Provides support to parents regarding the developmental needs of students
Supports student character education
Facilitates, along with the School Nurse, Red Ribbon Week activities