Welcome to Counseling

Keri Williams

Lower Elementary School Counselor

New-Hope Solebury School District endeavors to meet students where they are and guide them to the acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and habits they will need to function in a productive and fulfilling manner in their increasingly complex world.

The Counseling Program contributes to the implementation of this mission by addressing the academic, career, and personal/social development of each student through a comprehensive and developmental program of services. 

The Counselor works in collaboration with administration, faculty, parents, and the community to build a scaffolding of knowledge and skills that will provide high academic performance, effective decision making, and positive self-esteem that will continue throughout the life span.  

To achieve these goals, the counselor: 

  • Works with students individually, in small groups, and in the classroom

  • Is a member of the Comprehensive Support Team

  • Orients new families to our school and community

  • Supports students with behavior concerns

  • Develops and monitors 504 Service Agreements

  • Participates in the identification process for gifted students

  • Facilitates the transition of students from 2nd to 3rd grade

  • Is an IEP team member for learning support and gifted students

  • Provides support to parents regarding the developmental needs of students

  • Supports student character education

  • Facilitates, along with the School Nurse, Red Ribbon Week activities